Thomas Land Grand Opening at Edaville USA
Venue: | Edaville Family Theme Park (Temporarily Closed) |
Hours: | 10:00 AM-8:00 PM |
Ages: | Infants, Toddlers, Kids |
In/Outdoor: | Indoor, Outdoor |
Cost: | $$ see below |
Category: | Special Events |
All of the rides and attractions will be open to the public for the first time.
There will be special festivities, entertainment, and giveaways.
Check our facebook page for updates and more information.
COST | ↑ top |
Regular Admission $29.00, Children under 2 are free, senior discounts available, see website for all pricing information
WEBSITE | ↑ top |
LOCATION | ↑ top |
5 Pine Street, Carver, MA, 02330 map
Phone: (508) 866-8190
Edaville USA
5 Pine St
Carver, MA 02330
- Profiles
Info changes frequently. We cannot warrant it. Verify with Thomas Land Grand Opening at Edaville USA before making the trek. If you find an error, please report it...